How to Create an Email Snippet

Learn how to create email snippets in Evolve CRM to streamline your email composition and maintain consistent communication templates.

1. Begin by clicking 'More Options' in the top right menu.

1 Click on the element.

2. Next, select the 'Templates' category.

2 Following that, click on "Snippets".

3. Now, choose 'Email' from the available options.

3 Upload

4. Then proceed by clicking on 'Snippets' in the upper menu.

4 Upload

5. Continue by hitting the 'Add Snippet' button.

5 Afterwards, click on "Add Snippet".

6. From the dropdown, select 'Add Email Snippet'.

6 Following that, click on "Add Email Snippet".

7. Enter a unique name for your new email snippet.

7 Click on the element.

8. Type in a subject for your email snippet.

8 Afterwards, click on the element.

9. Start writing the main email content.

9 Click here.

10. Optionally, attach any relevant files.

10 Click on "Add attachment".

11. Provide the sender's email for test purposes.

11 Next up, click here.

12. Enter the recipient’s email to send a test.

12 Click on "Send Test".

13. Now, send the test email to verify all details.

13 Next, click on the element.

14. Save your well-crafted snippet.

14 Next, click on "Save".

15. Finally, ensure the snippet has been successfully saved.

15 Then, click on the icon.

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