How to Add Tag to Contacts

Learn how to organize and categorize your contacts in Evolve CRM by adding tags. This guide walks you through the process, helping you streamline segmentation and enhance contact management.

1. Start by navigating to the Contacts section.

1 To get started, click here.

2. Next, choose the contacts you want to tag.

2 After that, click here.

3. Then, initiate tagging by clicking the tag button.

3 Click here.

4. Now, type in a descriptive name for the tag.

4 Once that's done, click here.

5. Afterwards, select the appropriate tag from the list.

5 Following that, click on "client".

6. Confirm by clicking on 'Add Tags' to finalize.

6 Now, click on "Add Tags".

7. Finally, click 'Check Progress' to review the tagging status.

7 Click on "Check Progress".

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